It is a legal requirement for a Landlord/Agent to provide a Condition Report to a tenant at the start of every tenancy.
A Condition Report describes the condition of every room as well as the external areas of the property.
Each room is broken down as follows:
Light Fittings
Lights/Power Points
Skirting Boards
Floor Coverings
General External
All these categories need to be thoroughly inspected, and notes need to be taken as to cleanliness, damage and that areas such as doors and windows are working.
These days most Agents have software programs to prepare this report this report including photos.
The Tenant needs to be given a copy of the report at the start of their Lease, and they will need to complete are return it within 7 days. It is important for the tenant to complete this report to avoid any dispute at the bond inspection at the end of the Lease. The software program we use won’t allow the tenant to disagree without providing a photo. Once this report is returned it becomes the agreed condition unless there is some other evidence to contradict it.
This document is important for both landlords and tenants in determining pre-existing damage and cleaning issue.
Property Managers also use this report to assist them throughout the whole tenancy e.g. Routine Inspections and any damage or maintenance issues.
The report should also include any promises made by the Landlord to complete after the Lease starts.
General/External – this section includes:
- Heating/Air Conditioning
- Stairs & Handrails
- Antenna & TV points
- Balcony, Porch verandah
- Swimming Pool
- Gates & Fences
- Grounds & Gardens
- Lawns & Edges
- Letterbox & Street number
- Water & Septic tanks
- Garbage bins
- Paths & Driveways
- Clothes Line
- Garage/Carport
- Garden Shed
- Hot water service
- Gutters & Downpipes
- Communication Facilities
- Water Efficiency
- Water meter reading
- Furniture Inventory
- Smoke Alarms
Should the tenant not return a completed copy of the condition report, the agents report is deemed to be a true and accurate description of the property at the start of the agreement.
Common Mistakes to Avoid:
- Not returning the report
- Not completing the report thoroughly especially regarding damage and cleanliness
- Not taking enough photos (date stamped photos do not lie)
- Being Vague (Giving a written description that doesn’t match the photo evidence)
- Not attending the bond inspection (Any disputes can usually be resolved personally at the Bond Inspection
- Handing the keys back before you have met all your end-of-lease obligations. There is no obligation for the landlords to allow you to re enter he property.
If you have any questions about a condition report, contact our office on (02) 4969 2600 to speak with Steve or one of our property managers.