How to Increase the Value of Your Home with Screens and Doors


The best and most comfortable houses are ones that have a “homey” feel. Everyone dreams of having a functional, safe, and beautiful home. Beauty coupled with functionality and safety is something that all homeowners strive to attain for their houses. It can be challenging for some, however, as choosing the right pieces for the home could prove to be quite the task.

Having a house does not always mean having a home. If you want to make your house feel more comfortable, why not go all the way and make it more functional and safe? Not only does it benefit you and your family, it also increases the value of your home should you opt to have it appraised for whatever purpose. A good way of doing this is by installing appropriate screens and doors.

5 ways to increase the value of your homes with screens and doors

Having the right doors will make your home safer, more functional, and more appealing. With these qualities in a house, you are well on your way to increasing its value. Here at Arnold Property, we suggest the following ways to further increase the value of your home through screens and doors.

1.      Have pet doors installed.

Having pets is a good way of making a house feel more like a home. Having pet-friendly installations is necessary in these cases, and will definitely increase the value of your home. One of the best ways of making your house more pet-friendly is by installing pet doors.

pet doors

2.      Get screens for your balcony.

No place is insect-free. If you don’t want your evening tea on your balcony being interrupted by those nasty flies and mosquitoes, then consider having screens attached to your balcony to keep the insects out. It is also good for increasing your house’s value since it makes an al-fresco experience possible in an otherwise impossible place.

Just make sure the screens you get fit the general motif of your house. It can be quite challenging to find appropriate screens, but it’s possible. There are several designs that you can look at to make sure that the screen design fits.

3.      Get a back door or an emergency exit.

There are many unforeseen circumstances that you always have to prepare for. Whether they are simple accidents to life-threatening events to you and your family, it always pays to be prepared. Having multiple exit points for your house is a good way of making it safer in case of an emergency. This is why having a second door or emergency exits aside from your front entrance is a good way of making it generally safer. By doing this, you make sure that you can always make a hasty exit no matter where you are in the house should the need arise.

Safer homes carry higher value. The simple act of installing extra doors and emergency exits greatly increases safety, so do it as soon as you can if you want your home to have higher value.

4.      Get weather-appropriate materials.

Not all materials are appropriate for all climates. For example, having thin wooden doors in a place where it always rains is a bad idea. Hotter places, on the other hand, would need materials that can stand the heat. Thinner screens wouldn’t stand a chance.

Make sure that you carefully think about the materials for your doors and screens before you install them. Carefully planning this out will ensure your installations will last much longer.

security screens

5.      Get sliding screens for your windows.

Do you like opening your windows to let the sun and wind in, but hate all the insects and other nasties getting inside the house? A simple solution to that dilemma is to get sliding screens for your windows. Installing these will ensure the nasty bugs stay outside.

Get the appropriate doors and screens to increase the value of your home

The right screens and doors will help make your home more functional, safer, and more appealing. Take time to make your home safer and more beautiful today. Check out reputable providers in your neighbourhood today.

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